Me and the violin

A relationship that shapes your whole life

Hello! I’m Sandra

Graduated violin pedagogue

When I got my first violin at the age of seven, I had no idea what role it would play in my life. Like all children, I also had different interests (e.g. drawing, singing, dancing) and yet it was the violin that more and more fascinated me. Since I was a taciturn child, I quickly learned to express with the violin what I couldn’t put into words. I experienced that the sounds of the violin calm me down, stimulate me, inspire me or simply entertain me, depending on my state of mind. A relationship developed that grew deeper and stronger.

From this relationship the desire to dedicate my life to music grew. Over the years my desire became more and more intense and finally led me to study the violin with the piano as a second instrument. Even during my studies I noticed that I really enjoy teaching the music. Teaching has shown me that music enriches both my life and the lives of my students.
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Professional career

A regular concert activity initially shaped my professional career: as a newcomer in various orchestras and as a leading member in chamber music formations. With a preference for classical music, I moved with joy and curiosity in many other musical styles. Driven by my love for the violin and music, I gained countless experiences in different worlds of sound.

After a few years I switched my focus to teaching. Since I’ve always liked to question the existing, I began to experiment. Little by little, new experiences and reflections flowed into the development of my own teaching method. This is how we created our own teaching aids and music books for all ages. The steadily growing number of enthusiastic students opened up new opportunities: ensemble and group lessons and then the founding of our own string orchestra albrechtstrings. In class I try to convey the coordination between body, head and soul in a playful way, so that the “singing tone” of the violin emerges. I am also happy to take personal music requests into account.

My experience

  • 30 years of teaching experience
  • 20 years of regular concert activity
  • 20 years leading his own string orchestra albrechtstrings

My education

  • Violin studies in Basel with Giselher Langscheid
  • Postgraduate studies in the concert class of Prof. Carlo Chiarappa in Lugano
  • numerous orchestral, chamber music and master classes in Basel, Florence, Lugano, Salzburg, Stuttgart and St. Moritz

I am happy to answer your questions


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Häringstrasse 20, 8001 Zurich

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