Terms of Service


Lessons can start at any time. A teaching contract agreed or confirmed with the teacher is considered a binding agreement. The corresponding contract price must be paid before the start of the contract.

Teaching units

The number of lessons, their duration and the corresponding course price are contractually agreed with the teacher (according to the valid price list).

Teaching aids and musical instruments

The costs for the teaching materials required in class are borne by the course participants. Most instruments can e.g. B. can be rented from violin makers or from Musik Hug AG, Limmatquai, Zurich.


The cancellation of lessons as a result of absence from vacation on the part of the teacher or the students is a matter of personal agreement and is taken into account when the contract is concluded.


Lessons not attended by the student are subject to a fee. As a result of an accident or illness (doctor’s certificate), max. 2 lessons, with a semester contract max. 4 lessons are carried over to the new contract period. If the instrument cannot be played due to an injury, theory lessons are possible instead. Lessons canceled by the teacher must be made up for or made up. If this is not possible, the course fee for the lessons not held will be refunded.


Both sides can withdraw at the end of an agreed course period and this is discussed between the teacher and the students at least 2 weeks before the end of the contract.


If you cancel a workshop less than 14 days before the start of the course, 50% of the course fee will be charged, if less than 7 days the entire course fee will be charged.

Place of jurisdiction

Is the teacher’s place of residence (currently Zurich).



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Terms of Service

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