Violin lessons

Violin lessons for children

You can start playing the violin from the age of three to four, but if possible only if this is the child’s express wish. The violin is ideal for introducing children to the world of music. The ideal starting age, however, is 7 – 9 years, as the movement sequences necessary for playing the violin can be learned and coordinated particularly well at this age.

Violin lessons for adults

It’s never too late to learn your favorite instrument! This is proven by numerous adults and a number of retired people who learned to play the violin at an advanced age and now enjoy participating in ensembles and orchestras. And something for everyone who grew up with doubts due to their own negative experiences and labeled “unmusical” in their childhood “were stamped: There are no unmusical people. Music psychologists and educators generally advocate this finding today. The fact that everyone picks out “their” favorite music from the wide range of music and even knows exactly which music is good for them in certain life situations is an indication that everyone has an individually developed musical perception and sensitivity. Returners are always welcome.

Type of teaching

One-to-one tuition with optional ensemble tuition


If a violin is to be purchased, it is advisable to seek advice from the teacher before buying it. A technically poorly functioning instrument is disappointing for children as well as adults and hinders musical development. As a layperson, it is hardly possible to judge the tonal and structural qualities of a violin. If you want to rent a violin, I only recommend violin makers or music shops.


at any time by arrangement

Place of instruction

mainly at Häringstrasse 20, 8001 Zurich (5 minutes on foot from Zurich main station).

Sheet music

Violin schools and sheet music are at the student’s expense and most of them can be downloaded from this website.

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